Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer is here. The grape vines are growing, the fish are jumping, and the ducks are dunking in the south Umpqua river. This is our view while eating a delicious home cooked meal prepared by Pam every week day for her devoted and hard working crew. She also swims in the river almost every day during the summer months. Mike likes to fish for bass.

This is Bryan our youngest son who is attending viticulture classes at Oregon State. He comes down to visit most weekends, and passes on current vineyard management techniques. He is in the hot house in this picture and is telling me I need to water more!

It is June 1, 2009. We have been busy thinning the grape plants, but found time to sample last year's Sarah. Chuck Vaughn retired owner of Safari Vineyard is on the left. Jim Beam on the right is a retired contractor, and presently the builder of the barn and wine tasting room which we hope to open this fall.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This is part of the early spring pruning crew. From the left is Juan Silva, John Bock, Pam Freed and Richard Cedillo.

Here is Mike at his Oregon office. You can see the South Umpqua River to his right. The water is still too cold for swimming, but good for catching steelhead and salmon.